Version 2.51- Bonding Update Romance+Friendship lvl 6 Added

Greeting Internet Void!

**HOTFIX 8/1/24 Ver 2.51: Fixed bug with some files getting error message if you try to travel without having gone through the gift_tutorial. Also fixed bug where some pet quips were not behaving properly upon restarting the game.

Long awaited Friendship and Romance Routes added! Bond level 6 available for all elite guild members! Go to the tavern with either an eternal pendant or oath ring in your inventory to unlock the tutorial and gifting options. You must also have completed mission 07, bond level 5 and 110+ loyalty with a character to gift rings/pendants.

Added brand new close up animated sprites for intimate conversations.

Added two new locations for establishing friendship and romance. (The Mountain Waterfalls and the Wildflower Fields)

Add new randomized morning and night helper routines for guild members who are bond level 6. Any bond level 6 companion will prioritize over other helper dialogues. Romance and friendship have unique variants.

Added new ultimate morale skills unlocked with bond level 6! Only 1 Ultimate can be used per battle.

Lor- Empower 3 mana Lor will 100% double the value of a water unit for the rest of battle including himself. Can stack with affinity.

Katnir- Pilfer 1 mana Immediately steal money equal to wager 2x then resets wager to 1.  If vs beasts- will grab a rare or precious item.

Samuel- Charm 2 mana Next time you lose a skirmish, enemy will take damage instead+party bond bonus.

Ruwin- Burn 1 mana Enemy will gain burn status and take an additional +1d4 +bond when they are hit with retaliation for the rest of the battle. This value can exceed the initial damage taken by the party.

Beisel- Riposte 2 mana  Beisel will copy the highest dice roll  and boost the double bonus damage one time.

Beileph- Strategize 3 mana Negate enemy bonus by up to 1d3 x enemy level this can cause the enemy to have negative bonus.

Big fix of inventory text bleeding out of the frame fixed.

Many spelling/grammar errors from chapter 7 content fixed.

Missing Katnir routine pre-bond 6 added.

Due to the amount of work in this bond update, mission 08 will be next month. 

Happy Bonding~ <3<3<3 Jen

Files 555 MB
Aug 01, 2024 560 MB
Aug 01, 2024

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Quick question about the bond routes, can we romance Jonas and Ashur? (thanks for making this game ^^)


Hi yeonjunney,

Ah I'm sorry but Jonas and Ashur cap at bond 4 so sadly no official romance. And I'm happy that you played the ADw games, thank you!! <3


There's a little implied flirting / affection. At bond 4.

 Tbh Jonas is a bit scary when he really, really 'likes' something XD;;;

It's pretty obvious that Ashur has a thing for the TO but is a bit late to the party. Gacha date turned out to be a gift to Ashur from the old ones as much as it was for the TO imo. <3


I need a little help TT_TT... I try romance Katnir. I'm now start mission 9, have bond 5 and loyality  on 228.... Do I need more loyality? I have pendant for him and i can travel to the field.... Please help!! TT_TT

Hi Ruda,

did you try to 'gift' the pendant of earth rogue to him at the tavern with the gifting option? If he accepted then he should be waiting at the flower field. (unless you already did a bond 6 event for that day, then you have to rest before you can do another 'date'). If you didn't flirt with him enough on the bond 4+5 convos, he will reject the pendant but will accept a friendship ring. Let me know if that helps or if you have any more details or maybe screen shot that I can see if there's something bugging out.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  It workded! I thought I need gift it in flower field and not in tavern XD I translet it wrong XD

(2 edits) (+1)

Hiiii I am sooo excited to present everything ı prepared to guild members !! ^^ actually ı was going to write after ı finish but ı saw small bug and wanted to report first. Once ı tried to travel (the mment ı clicked the button) a bug appeared and ıt was something like this:

since ı just opened the game ım not sure ıf ıt affects bonding too because ı havent met with samuel yet ı was just trying to finish my last friendship ring still ı decided to post it quickly ı will also check ıf it also affects bonding soon ^^

the bug:

"The Wildflower Fields" if beisel.romance == 1 or beileph.romance == 1 or katnir.romance == 1 or ruwin.romance == 1 or lor.romance == 1 or samuel.romance == 1:

AttributeError: 'Unit' object has no attribute 'romance'

edit: I talked with samuel but ı didnt talked anyone in the guild to present something and ı went to check travel option. This time nothing really happened ı guess this bug is only for ıf someone doesnt talked samuel tries to travel. 


Hi JustaOneGirl, Ooh thank you for pointing this out and reporting quickly, as that could be a terrible bug for anyone who can't get the Samuel's tutorial. It's an oversight that can happen with some pre-existing save files that I didn't take into consideration. I believe I fixed in 2.51 Hotfix now. Sorry for that oversight!


Helooo your welcome! ı just managed to finish giving my eternal pendant to Lor and all Oath rings to others and things went well yyaayy (ı also get interesting comments about Lor from the guild members who has clashing traits with him XD plus ı also love how some certain characters talked about some ''sour moments'' they had with me at the start and they actually feel sad about this or talking about certain events that affected them) the music kinda reminded me of chill musics ı listened on youtube to relax and arts were sooo cool both of them gave very peaceful and nice vibe and ı loved them the animasitons were also sooo amazing! being able see their expressions so close was very good experience and ım soo glad for this ı also noticed few interactions with the characters ı never seen before and they are also pretty cute too :3 (ı also got the one Lor says he is seeing weird dreams.. well ı didnt think that he actually would see them since there is no actual reason? but perhaps his bond with main character made him closer to sense of his old world? ıdk) overall ım very happy to see how much they care about main character in their own way and ıts very clear to see even for me they both feel very real but also very sweet.

Thank you for all these amazing work on wonderful writing, amazing animations and art and programming them all ı really love the game and the characters ( and of course the person who gave everyone such beatiful game ^^ ) have a nice day.


Hi JustaOnegirl,

Thank for again for your feedback as always! I'm glad to hear you didn't run into any other bugs. The other guild members do tend to have some strong opinions on Lor, (especially since he's the TO self-appointed personal assistant) LOL. I thank you for the compliment that you find the characters to feel realistic. I doubt that you will stumble on the dialogues that the characters can reject the MC if they propose the wrong item (ex. giving a ring if you flirted with them a lot) but these vary depending on the character, as some characters are more tolerant forgiving of the mixed signals and also more open to friendship or romance and vice versa. I think a lot about the characters behaving true to themselves from their dialogue to their battle skills and I hope that it helps with immersion. Best wishes~




Thank you for your help with the testing <3<3<3. Whew that was a close one LOL