Update 2.81 Hotfix Mission 10 War of Gods + revised release plans

Greetings Internet Void!

Hotfix 2.81: Bug Fix- Eve not joining. Please replay scene of Eve 'joining' at the start of mission 10.

This chapter was actually quite a bit shorter than chapter 9 (I think 9 was just a beast in and of itself) so I was able to finish early even after being knocked out with a nasty respiratory virus  for a couple weeks. My tentative release schedule is probably going to be revised and I think I'm planning now on November being The Aftermath, December will be revised/improved ADW:VH and I still plan to work on the endings in Jan/Feb 2025.

Because bond leveling/convos will no longer be available after mission 10, there is no more quips at the end of this mission. The aftermath is basically all conversation following up the war before the endings, so those who miss the extra chats with companions, please look forward to then!

Mission 10 War with Ancients available. Conversations in camp can be triggered with all recruited units, (including common units at a random chance). Night visitors are based on whether or not units have been gifted with an eternal pendant. Scenarios will vary if more than one character is being romanced on the same playthrough. An extra scene will be triggered in romancing one companion exclusively.

Two new recruitable units, Miyetta the Cursed Queen and Eve the Celestial Tempest. Bond conversations 1-4 available before the starting the war at the southern encampment. New morale art for Miyetta. Two new bond sprites, two new character skill trigger animations, and two new backgrounds. Warfare music tracks have been updated.

Once you have joined the war camp you will no longer be able to initiate bond conversations or bond leveling. Many conversations in the aftermath and endings are conditioned on having max bonded characters so keep this in mind before entering the last war!

Miyetta’s Volatility Skill: Buffed from the previous version in ADW:Villain's Heart. Chance roll her max dice value x1,x2, or x3 + bond level.

Eve’s Gale Storm: A 33% chance to double, triple, or quadruple the dice values of all party members at the cost of 2, 3 and 4 mana. Mana must be available before dice are rolled, or the skill cannot trigger. Ex. if you use activate skill but don’t have at least another two mana left over, her skill will NOT activate.

New wander dialog in the forest hideout, Brookhaven and Cape town for after the final war as well as new gossip in the tavern and shops. Added new possible night time encounter variation for romanced companions.

Various small bugs, grammatical mistakes and spelling errors from version 2.7 fixed.

Happy Halloween~!

<3 Jen


ADW-2.81-mac.zip 691 MB
Oct 31, 2024
ADW-2.81-pc.zip 696 MB
Oct 31, 2024

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(4 edits) (+1)

Helloooo I am back after finishing 10th update in both sides!

I guess with this update my favorite side could be the old one's side haha :') maybe ıt was quiet obvious from my old comments in 9th update but seeing how eve, jonas and ashur get along and how they also care for everyone too just feels wonderful to me ^^ 

After talking with eve ı guess ı could say she is more carefree and more ruthless? (well ı guess when ıf you get into her bad side ^^;) although she also seems someone moves with logic... although she says she doesnt like all humans or at least care for all of them in both sides she shows certain emotions telling otherwise. maybe she just acts though while caring deep inside? that would match with what Ashur said in gacha date too haha XD and for some reason her act kind of reminded of a cat too? especially in her interactions with Ashur she sounded more like huge cat haha ^^  or ıts how ı imagined her ı dont know. 

in old one's side everything except how god's reacted to me was actually pretty good but ı cant help but feel gods are either showing their displeasure to me with that dream or ıt meant something bad ım not sure ^^; 

even in my whole play in old one's side ı actually enjoyed alot except with seeing ''you are doing wrong'' signs time to time XD. 

God's side was alot more comfortable on that point but ı got really emotional once ı won and Eve and Jonas didnt even say something that... for every winning they were somehow encouriging me even? seeing how they acted and how they accepted their fate with a smile actually made me very emotional. I thought they could maybe want some time with Ashur but they also refused that and left the poor guy alone. After that scene tbh ı couldnt get any happy haha :') even when ı noticed how gods were acting alot softer than other side and giving me cute dreams ı was like ''.... yeah ı literally destroyed a reunion and they even supported me before going'' honestly ı would hurt less they would get mad at me or say mean things haha but their kindness were worse for me :'). Maybe my fear of losing loved ones made me emphatize with Ashur and feel emotional at that scene

ı cant say ı didnt feel relieved since ıt almost felt like being forgiven but ıt still hurts alot ;w;.  (well crown side was super calm and respectful too but knowing their outcome ıt didnt bother as how old ones' outcome did)

ı cant say ı dislike gods side though but ıt almost feel like ı am receiving great happiness by destroying other's happiness and ı cant believe ashur simply forgave me too? ım not sure which side transient one chooses to get  gacha date game but ıf ıts either way and he forgave me after destroying every effort he did then wow... (edit ı forgot he was saying ''ı should be happy playing with you after you sided with gods'' haha XD ı just remembered  so yes he forgives transient one even with god's side play.. just wow       0-0 ) though ıf thats the case how did eve and jonas managed to survive? 

ı dont know... ıt just feel bizarre to me that the people everyone calls ''monsters'' are actually the ones who created the developers and sacrificed their power to make developers work on their world.  or after thousand years they finally have a moment in the world only to people try to get rid of them ^^;;  
ı wonder how others would feel ıf they knew the full truth. I noticed queen was less enthusiastic when she was talking with eve and jonas after winning in crown side. perhaps she noticed something too but decided to ignore.

I was also curious with that forbidden book and that progress ı thought she had to do some ritual after winning in crown side but ı guess gods simply took the matter. at first ı couldn't understand why that book was forbidden but after Eve approved my one theory ı thought ıt is because since that rituals works to delete old one's essence and technically their whole being was distributed in all world so world can continue. knowing such ritual means not only you can delete old one's essence but also other beings as well? ıf so that would make sence why that book is forbidden (ıdk why ı just focused on that now maybe because ı just noticed this detail right now haha)

still even though ı get emotional in crown's side ı still think ı love both sides alot even crown side feels less emotional ı can still see Queen miyetta's struggles and how much she tries her best to be a good ruler without harming everyone... well she needs to work on ''being cooperative''  more but ı can still see her efforts on some matters like how she doesnt like killing innocent children because of their parent's acts. maybe those kids remind her how she survived? regardless ı feel like she could get better with time.

although ı kept talking about outcomes until now ı also checked all activities in camp area and noticed there were small details depending on which side you choose (the new members depending on your side and some common units' talk) ıt was fun to see both sides' talks ^^ ı also noticed my original elite team and deita says same things regardless of the side ı choose and ı kind of read it as they dont care which side ı choose and keep cheering me on (maybe ı read too much but ıt makes me happy to think like that) 

anndd this is the end of my thoughts for now yay this update had lots of fun talks even though main focus was the war thanks for the all the hardwork! ^^

now ı want to share few little bugs ı noticed :3

1- :DD Mikaylis' extraordinary healing skills haha 

2- Jeth kind of attack his own team in old one's side? lol XD ıt actually helped me alot since he literally reduced his own hp ı didnt take ıts screenshot or lost it 

3- yay extra talk after bond level 4 :D

4- where are you queen 0-0 (ı guess ıt happens in bond talk 3 and 4? ım not too sure but ıt happens 2 times)

these are the ones ı managed to catch! hope ıt helps! thank you for this amazing update :3


Hi JustaOneGirl

Thanks again for sharing the bugs you found! I think I got them~ Though the Mikaylis healing to full is a part of his morale skill guardian, so I tried to make that more clear. (His skills ended up being the most annoying to deal with for me fighting against the Crown lol.)

It's interesting to hear your view on the Old Ones Route vs the Crown, I think if you lose the war from either side, you will see a bit more the brutal side of the Old Ones, as they become disappointed with performance of the humans in these bad endings. But I agree that the Crown's side is more of a bittersweet victory, as Ashur will have to pay the price for his deviation from the gods. One could say he did everything for a good cause 'friendship' but he also accepting that he was acting against the rules of the world and so he doesn't harbor ill feeling against the TO for this reason. (not so much because he's above holding a grudge, cuz he can get salty too haha)

So Jonas and Eve admit in their emails in Gacha Date that it was because of the greed of the dragons that disrupted the balance of the world in the first place (their pursuit of power and immortality) they kind of danced around these facts and made them not sound so heavy, but they are in that sense world destroying monsters as the legends say, even though they took measures to try and correct their past mistakes. I will try and clarify this going forward. Tyvm and best wishes~!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

yaaayy ım so excited for this new update thanks for the all hard work ^^ ! I was actually playing the game and then ı realized some bug ı think so although ı didnt finish the update ı decided to share it. 

I decided to start from old one's side and Eve told me that she is officially in my guild now but once ı tried to see her on the guild list ı couldnt find her anywhere so ı thought maybe she will appear in war but ı still cannot see her name :') so ı guess ıts a bug. ı havent checked queen's side for this matter though so ı dont know ıf ıts same with miyetta


Oh very strange she shows up for me. Did you manage to have bond convos with her and see her in your guild sheet?


(4 edits) (+1)

So ı tried to open my old save from end of mission 9 and talked with Eve again she said she joins to guild. Once ı talked this ı re opened my guild list and somehow still cant see her?

then ı decided to try my luck with sewers and went there.. to make sure ı also put jonas on mid just in case ıf her name has out of the section for some reason she didnt appear again so ı also tried my luck with in tavern to see maybe ı can talk with her so ı picked tavern but ı also couldnt see her name again as there was no one to talk with(since ı already talked with everyone except her and miyetta in both sides already) 


Oof thank you for clarifying, it looks like the code for her joining the guild didn't trigger properly. I'm giving out Halloween candy but will check the script when trick or treat is over ty for finding this game breaking buggy 😭 


OOH Happy halloweeen ^^ ıts pretty ok for me and thank you so much for seeing my messages quickly :3 ı hope ıt will be nice trick&treat night for you ^^