OtomeJam Launch | Features version 1.26

Hello Internet Void,

I'm happy to launch this game. I wanted to write a devlog earlier, but I just needed to rest for a bit. For those who have already played the original ADW, there are some noticible changes in this game. I was attempting to take in feedback from the first game. 

1. More QOL features: 

  • A daily system that allows the player to gain loyalty with a random elite and a random unit with a press of a button. (grooming/reading letters). Also lowered the required loyalty for bond levels and speed up the relationship development in the writing.
  • Made menu tab available during exploration and "home base." Also added a mission tracker to menu as well as the option to consult with your assistant to remind you of your current objectives.

2.  Some presentation improvements:

  • Revised dialogue structures: Tidied up the flow of conversation in exploration mode.  Story pacing Improvements with more focus. Dream sequences added to foreshadow player choices affect on the direction of the story. More fleshed out 'quips' (random events with characters based on bond levels and current location.)
  • Improved Audio: Cleaned up audio files with added SFX for ambience.  (Thanks Kerry!)
  • Painted and Drawn backgrounds: For compliance with the OtomeJam rules and better cohesiveness with establishing the overall look and environment of the story. 
  • More extensive bug testing and spell checking to avoid unexpected glitches: Thank you so much to my volunteer play testers! They really put in a lot of hours.

3. Some other changes based on the changed situation:

  • Player recieves exp towards player level for lost battles but does not gain loyalty with units. This is to give a penalty for losing as there is no money/wager system in this game. Loyalty requirements have been significantly lowered. (ex. from 100 to 50 for bond level 4 for elites)
  • Bond conversations are capped at one per day. Player must complete mission 2 in order to unlock bond levels 3+4.
  • There are no friend routes. Only romance or rejection. There are no harem/multiple romances endings. Player must commit to one or none of the romance-able characters during the second half.

And lastly here's a comic for those who know the characters from the original ADW. Won't you spare a thought for poor watermage?  He's such an emotional guy <3.)


ADWVillainsHeart-1.26-pc.zip 451 MB
Jun 24, 2023
ADWVillainsHeart-1.26-mac.zip 436 MB
Jun 24, 2023

Get ADW: A Villain's Heart


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(2 edits) (+1)

NOOOOO LOR ;W; ım still playing the game but seeing this made me so sad... poor guy :') ı will do my best to make my favorite character happy in other game!! Lor wait for me ^^ ! ı dont know ı ı should share this comment after so much time and well so many comments haha ı think ım obsessed with these dice games :') but they are all so good thank you for your all efforts! 

little edit: ahhaha to be honest ı wasntkinda expecting all the boys from the game would be his loyal readers! XD looking the expressions of samuel and kathnir.. I guess these expressions mean that Lor's writing skills are pretty good? 


Hi JustaOneGirl,

I actually really love it when a player makes a comment on one of my older works. It's nice to know they are not just lost to the void of the internet forever.  This project is in a bit of an odd place because it ended up getting finished before the main game even though its a spinoff.

Btw, I personally imagine Lor is a decent writer, but his 'readers' are probably mostly just interested in the subject matter (The MC/Transient One)!